Saturday, January 19, 2008

How Long Is Bootz From Flavvor Of Loves Weave

Metalik Banane - Requiem

Style: Psychobilly / Gore 'n'
Roll Format: MP3
Country: France
  1. Bananajuice
  2. Rock'n'Shoot
  3. Zombie Satan's Bed

  4. Marche Macabre
  5. Etat Sauvage
  6. Requiem Depravation
  7. Psychopath Festin de Sang
  8. L'Immaculee Erection
  9. Fils de Satan Killer Bananas

In my opinion, an excellent band, great vocals and guitar , not all groups of psycho.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Difference Between American Silver Eagle Coin

Depravation points - The Virgin Mary And Worst Stories Decadentes

From the Barrios de Quito, born Points. Four gay iconoclasts "Modern World", ready to drink as many glasses of champagne were in front. Well, "not only meat live the Gods."

The lovely music is not any "New Proposal", or musical, or what might be . It is simply the Dionysian thought embodied in song. Our friendly
Surfers of the Night (the points), not reserved to show the slightest hesitation "in his songs, as in daily life, his contempt for all forms of human idiocy and social hypocrisy: More easily identifiable in the depressed life mob following: the clergy, the class "political" and the eternal bourgeois watchdogs and robbers every day.
The point, then, we throw ourselves into the arms of the forbidden. Well, because we do not care to reach "paradise" in heaven as we recreate, in our opinion, this "Valley of smiles." Thank you for giving us that constant motivation.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Walk In Clinics In Mississauga In Shoppers Drug

Here I put a couple of pictures gore, few, but if you put more ask ...

Show Gore


Free Visitor Letter Church

Henry Lee Gore Lucas and Ottis Toole


born in Virginia on August 23, 1936, suffers a childhood plagued by abuse of a prostitute mother and alcoholic father. Suffers a total abandonment, no care, malnutrition, as well as psychological abuse.

A Sometimes it is forced to witness sexual activities of his mother with different men, and this what normally dress like a girl.

From a very young must learn to fend for itself. The humiliations to which is subjected being so young, just becoming a teenager and visceral cold ... at that time begin to mistreat animals zoophilic relationships and experience, in addition to molesting his teenage brother.

soon enter the world of crime, kidnapping and killing a girl when he was only 15 years. You are admitted to various correctional facilities, but always coming soon.
in 1960, during a violent argument with his mother accidentally Henry lost an eye, and in a fit of rage gives him several stabs to kill him. He is sentenced to jail and later transferred to a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed with psychopathy and sadism sexual deviants.

Ten years later he was again arrested for the attempted kidnapping of two teenagers, but his time as a dangerous criminal begins when, once in the street, meets another notorious serial murderer, Ottis Toole. In 1979, Toole takes him to his house and becomes his mistress.

That comes later ...

Realizing their economic problems, proposes to stay and live with him, and both find their common inclination: murder. With a few dollars taken out in small jobs, they buy a used car, and prepare their crimes without the least engaged to travel I-35 highway in search of hitchhikers and motorists with damaged car. Lead

victims (while men, women and children, they do not care) to a byway, kill them, rape and later mutilated and dismembered. Toole is inclined by cannibalism, and includes parts of dismembered bodies, like arms or legs on your barbecue grill.

Henry's case is very typical in this type of character, is terrified of sex and can only make love to unconsciousness or dead victims. He ran to enjoy the different parts of the bodies had been dismembered. Considered victims as objects to awaken your desire ...

In the stories of their crimes, if both statements are true, it appears that Henry killed mostly women, strangled or stabbed, and Toole is responsible for killing the men, usually with a firearm, especially 22 gauge.

The two bodies mutilated almost always, the bites Lucas or shreds with a knife, cut off their genitals and tries to decapitate ... reaching sometimes lead to a bloody head in the back seat. Toole

tear prefer male bodies, especially the ribs, arms, buttocks and legs to cook and eat the pieces. Henry does not eat human flesh cooking his companion, which he said:

"I did not like the taste of hot sauce with the meat being prepared ..."

Both rape their victims, Henry Ottis women and men. On November 1, 1979 is discovered the lifeless body of a young (still unidentified), whose only sign was orange socks. The body was found under a bridge on I-35.

A Texas sheriff to investigate "the crime of orange socks, discovered in the regional press which several other similar victims of different ages and sex were raped, strangled, stabbed or with the skull crushed to death ... and also found near the same highway.

Alarmed, convened a conference on October 28, 1980 at which several police officers come from different jurisdictions, and exchange reports and all accumulated data to keep track and collaborate on cases that are suspect related.

On June 11, 1983, Henry was arrested for illegal possession of weapons, and confesses to being the perpetrator of the crimes. Is subjected to lie detector, and the results confirm the statements, but the police are without evidence to indict him. After confessing hundreds of crimes to the police change their strategy and ensures recanting their confessions are a lie, it has only killed his mother.

is a great manipulator, he knows that and unsolved crimes will be closed. After numerous interrogations, retracts and charged several times lying shamelessly, and as the polygraph is not considered a evidence before the judge, the police are forced to release him for lack of material evidence. Anyway

believe is responsible for one hundred and fifty seven murders, of whom one hundred eight Ottis committed in company.

addition to the cruelty of their crimes, the two characters confess one very disturbing fact: Ottis claims to have connection with a satanic cult to which the two murderers kidnap children, which would be carried out ritual sacrifices, and hard-core pornography even snuff movies, in which the victim is tortured and slowly killed her while a camera records the scene in a fixed plane.

According to a statement by Toole:

"There was a time when we earned money by selling children to Mexico, they used to porn movies ... others sold directly to wealthy people ... we had an altar and I Rajab throat, drinking blood, and sometimes cooked the bodies ... sometimes the new members cut their bodies before fucking fucked ... and then the animals and kill them ... and then had a big party during which we ate someone and animals ... "

This question has many doubts, because the police could never prove the existence this group of Satanists as an organized structure.

When I was in prison one day call the guard and told him that there was a light that he was speaking, and asked for pen and paper to write a letter to the sheriff in which I scribble:

"I tried to get help and no one will believe me, I killed a girl who loved with all my heart, I killed over the past ten years and no one will believe me "

was tried for 10 crimes to 6 life sentences, 1 death penalty 2 sentences of 75 years and over 60 years in prison.

In December 1990, Henry is sentenced to death by four murders in Florida and another twenty in neighboring jurisdictions. He first fixes a date for the execution on December 3, 1990, but the Court of Criminal Appeals chooses to stay the order five days earlier.

yet he is suspected of killing 126 in 27 different states. Today claims to be innocent of all crimes, and said that her mother did not kill, but it just hit. A police record that Henry confessed to his mother stabbed several times and once dead repeatedly raped her.

in 1998 after 13 years waiting on death row to be judged by lethal injection, George, jr Bus commute the death penalty for chain imprisonment.

On Friday June 26, 1998, the governor of Texas, George Bush (son of former U.S. president), commuted the death sentence of Henry Lee Lucas, one of the most sadistic psychopaths among serial murderers.

The governor, who has rarely shown such leniency, admitted the recommendation of the Pardon Review Board of Texas, who advised not to execute the murderer for finding gaps on his full guilt. (The press, the local police in Texas and some politicians had accused has been charged to the account of Henry many unsolved crimes).

Despite the pardon, Henry will to meet the two hundred and ten years of jail pending, and six of nine life sentences for crimes they themselves have acknowledged it. Bush himself told the press:

"While Lee Lucas is guilty of committing a long list of heinous crimes, serious doubts, however, about his guilt in any case"

His portrait was made into a film by film director John McNaughton in Henry, Portrait of a murderer (1986) and Henry, Portrait of a murderer 2.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Do You Have To Be Tall To Be A Underwear Model

Balzac - Gimme Some Truth (Vol I, II)

Here rose the two volumes of the album "Gimme Some Truth"

: Balzac
Style: Horrorpunk
Format: MP3
Country: Osaka, Japan. Balzac

Japanese are known as the kings of "Devil Rock." With a horror movie ever present in your image and sound are often compared to punk-rock legends like The Misfits, which is something frequently called attention Punks worldwide.

That comes later ...

In fact, The Misfits Balzac had under his arm at some point in 1996, which created a relationship "master-apprentice" between the bands that still exist until today. In addition, two other jobs advertised on their Web sites, and even collaborated on a CD coupling in 2002, where The Misfits did a cover of Day the Earth Caught Fire, one of Balzac's most famous songs.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Delta Horizons Dental

Zombie Chronicles Of Barbara

Excellent comic set in the movie "Night of the Living Dead."
Very good quality and in English.
Collect all three editions in a single file.)
viewer do not need to download comics. Greetings


Smoking A Pork Loin In A Gas Smoker

butchers in the North - Demo Interview

the band's Myspace page
the band

Style: Postpunk
Format: Mp3

The demo includes the new song "A Day in Texas."
Very good group, hopefully take out another demo soon.
you're interested, here can see an interview. Download

Pain In Foot When Ice Skating Rollerblade

Northern Butchers

* Very good butchers, which may all? I hope fine.

First of all thank you for your time to answer the interview Well, for starters, tell us who are "The Butchers of the North." Where did the ability to join together for this project? What evil plan do you have for us?

Txarly: The idea came in late 2006, I have been wanting to create a group to write songs exclusively themed film, in contact with the rest of the band (old friends) and they embark on the project.

That comes later ...

* And your name, do you had a bad experience in a fish? Or is you prefer the meat to pescao? (Yes, shock me, bad joke and easy as pie)

"The Butcher" was one of the names that shuffled back in the 87 to call "The House of Usher" Now I have resumed adding the geographical origin of sheer nostalgia, in preferences cualkier thing always prefer a good quality k .

* Speaking of your music and this project is based on 13 cult horror films of the 80's. Why these films and this time? Will you return to childhood? Hahaha

have never abandoned children, the films chosen are representative of the hundreds that we have marked, these are movies that are from before mid century (Dr. Caligari-freaks ...) to key films in the cinema of the 80, are chosen by the three, we do not mean to say k are the best but if you have best adapted to our project As for music and lyrics.

* You are taking quite famous for the scene, and this will create a little problem ... .... Do you think monitoring the project in the future, or once dismembered the 13 pieces will end the band? Ojala

all the problems were of this type, we start with the clear objective of ke this was a need for personal satisfaction, ephemeral, hedonistic and no responsibilities, butchered meat and we agreed mission accomplished,

But regardless of blood fill the innards of each song, our other great passion is to drag our scenarios unclean bones, watching the welcome has been the band k is ke sure we at least 13 concerts where introduce our monsters in society.

* Do you plan to burn a CD or demo with the issues so they can reach more people and better quality?

Besides hanging as they "born" all tracks for free on myspace, at the end of the mission and more Trankil, re-record some tracks, remixing, mastering everything and we will include it on a CD to sell you a precios populares, en esos exclusivos directos, como forma de autogestión de nuestra carnicería.

*Sigamos con los temas, ahora toca una pregunta algo difícil (a priori). ¿Qué tiene vuestro sonido de cada uno de vuestros grupos respectivos? ¿Cómo definiríais vuestro sonido?

Nuestro sonido tiene La crudeza oscura de los Paralítikos, la poesía ácida de La Casa Usher y la frescura agresiva de los Naughty Zombies , por lo tanto nuestro sonido es: Fresco, ácido y crudo.

*Pasemos a hablar de las letras, ok?
¿Cómo y quién las compone? ¿Veis la película de nuevo u os basáis in your memories?

the compose letters I (Txarly), we see the movies again because being classics have been many years since the last time you saw the way they work is similar in all: see the movie sooo relaxing, just at the end of everything I write but I have suggested and drawn attention easily sees two or three pages of text, while locked ourselves in a back room and began to spin the sound more suitable for what i just witnessed, then comes the week of cuts, ax, saw blood and, for once finished cleaning the blood, clean up and hang it in our hook newborn dawn of spacial Sundays, Mondays from becoming the last 3 months in a magic ritual where many of our hungry zombiesfriends look forward to the weekly ration.

* I think I have nothing more to ask about your music. Let's talk about concerts.
Is it possible to watch the butchers at work? If I had ... .. could you comment on how they are and what we expected?

almost certainly present our live music, wild incorporate a drummer and our goal is to sound the themes with the same intensity and strength of the first day of its creation, that those who come to see us like our product porke no surprises with substantial changes in taste and genre, "if you want to give you meat .. meat"

* The absence of a drummer largely prevent it from concerts, do you plan to include some more in the band disturbed? Or just live musician?

mission started between 3 and this is already largely completed, we will resort to a drummer for live, of course in the second part of the adventure will be a butcher more.

* Now let's talk about extra-musical themes.
Which movie version is your favorite? What do you think of some of the remakes? Do you think you do justice to the original?

Txarly: I love the 13 titles, but at this time and after seeing them again, my favorite is "The Shining" by history, acting and directing, is an authentic work of art ..

Hugo: As you say Txarly "The Shining" is a film scrotumtightening like everything that has made Kubrick, but I will say "The Night of the Living Dead" because I have special affection. The remakes are usually a waste and a sacaperras, as they did recently of "The Omen."

Nando: It would be a difficult choice, but I think I'd take the "Nosferatu" by Murnau and the terrifying interpretation of Max Schreck as Count Orlock repellent ... It seems incredible that a film shot in 1922, still I get the creeps

Remakes? No thanks!

only version of the seventies on the wonderful "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" of the fifties is a worthy replica, which also had the detail of including the protagonist of the first film to create a nice link between the two versions and also would save the " Nosferatu Herzog.

* do you think about horror films today? Any great movie that you have "happy" lately?

Txarly: bufff! Last lately ... little .. closest in time "Ring" Japanese version., "the Devil's Backbone" .. Overall the film now spent a bit like the music, technical means are abused but there is no creative talent is also true that invent easier when you start from scratch when 100 years have been working on other stuff, but in general tend to be practical and stop looking for easy success that risky wit a deep sleep.

Hugo: All I remember that I liked recently in issue have been terrifying films Balagueró Jaime, "The Nameless", "Darkness" and "Fragile." And the "Saw" until they lost the capacity to surprise. Although I almost like the atmosphere more than anything else.

Nando: Well, yes, the truth is that the thing goes a little sick lately, especially for the horror genre ... "Darkness" by Jaume Balagueró liked me, but it was released quite. With the two parts of "The Curse" is also really fun, although the Japanese ghost movies, at one point seemed ke all the same.

* And some more and ask that the tail of the carnage is getting pretty long now ... so if you do not libráis tontuna query!
to see at the meat professionals who are ... ... what ingredients are essential for good barbecue? Where and who the special guests?

The main ingredient for a good barbecue is the purity of heat and that heat is none other than the authentic invite friends over for a barbecue in the form of noise, sweat and nights of regret, so Furthermore, quality of meat is taken for granted because it is on us.

Special guests? All that "being" restless you really want to enjoy our product without complex recognized as a monster more than this sick society and only Buske us a while to escape and physical exhaustion. In northern

we specialize in barbecue from many centuries do we prefer to call them "Covens".

* And you're all people, thank you very much for the interview. How much do I owe?

has been a pleasure, as we are expanding the business, live the story and you were very friendly .. ! HOUSE CALLS !!..........!! SIGUIENTEEEEEE!

Source and Source

1 Week Before Period Cervix

Ogo-p-ogo - Russia

Banda: ОГО-П-ОГО
Style: Horrorpunk
Country: Russia
Format: mp3 Download Here

Very wena band, another day I collect the Demo and upload it;) Greetings

Monday, January 7, 2008

Trailers Home For Sale In Niagara

Lovecraft ... Download all his works

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 - † March 15, 1937). Author of narrative literature, novels and fictional narrative, especially in the genres of horror and science fiction. It was a great innovator of the tale of terror, thanks to their personal treatment the atmosphere of his stories. Furthermore, it is considered a pioneer of so-called Cosmic Terror Materialistic. He also cultivated poetry and essays, largely developed in the epistolary genre.

That comes later ...

rar file contains the following works:
A Traves De Las Puertas De La Llave De
Air Frio.rar
Across The Threshold. Zip

Non Dormir.rar Cuentos.rar
Del Mas
the abyss into
Tiempo.rar The Alquimista.rar
El Arbol De La Colina.rar
The Chaos Reptante.rar
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.rar
The Malvado.rar Clerigo
The Emerging Color Space. rar
The Devil In The
El Desafio Del Mas
El Grito Del

Dumwtch.rar The Horror The Horror The Horror
The Black Book of Alsophocus.rar
The Pickman.rar Model
The Dweller Of
El Pantano De La
El Pescador Del Cabo Del
The Lurker at The
The Being In The Umbral.rar
The Whisperer In The Oscuridad.rar
The Terrible

The Journey terrible.rar
In Search Of The City Of Sun Poniente.rar
In The Cripta.rar
In The Night Los Tiempos.rar
In the Mountains In The Mountains Of Locura.rar
Up In The
Herbert West Reanimador.rar

Necronomicon.rar Fungi History Of Yuggoth Poems Fungi Horror Poems Yuggoth
Horror In The Beast In The Search Of The
Iranon.rar House
Sin City's Statement Randolph Carter.rar
The Strange House In The The Room Brotherhood

De La Hoya
The Lampshade Of Alhazred.rar
Call Of Cthulhu.rar
La Llave De Plata.rar
The curse which came upon
The Music Of Erich
La Pradera
The Relic Of The World

The Shadow Of The Shadow Out Of The Shadow Over Espacio.rar
The Window In The Buhardilla.rar
The Legions Of The
Rats In The
The beloved muertos.rar
The Beloved Cats Ulthar. rar Myths Of The Other Dioses.rar
Los Suenos De La Casa De La
Mas Alla Del Muro De Los
Necronomicon or The Book of Names Muertos.rar
Notes on the Art of Writing Stories Fantasticos.rar
biography. zip
Six Shooter A La Luz De La
Deaf Dumb And

Excellent in my opinion, very good books.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Shrink Polyester And Cotton Jacket

Ed Gein (The Butcher of Plainfield) Send More Paramedics

was apparently a harmless man ... but his personality hid a terrible psychopath who turned his farm into a human slaughterhouse. His grisly crimes Hitchcock provided the basis for his classic horror movie Psycho.

That comes later ...

On the afternoon of December 8, 1954, a farmer from Plainfield, Wis., entered "Hogan's Tavern" for a drink on this cold winter afternoon when he discovers with horror a large trail of blood that covered the wooden floor. The owner Mary Hogan, had disappeared.

GeinEl sheriff Ed noted that there were no apparent signs of struggle and that the cash register was full, but determined that the woman had been murdered and that his body had been dragged to a car waiting outside. The only forensic report confirmed the conclusions reached by the sheriff and did not shed any light on the case. Mary's disappearance was a mystery.

About a month after this incident, the owner of the sawmill in Wisconsin commented on the case with a timid little man who lived in a wooden farm a few miles away. His name was Ed Gein.

Gein lived alone since the death of his mother in 1945 and earned a living doing odd jobs for the residents of Plainfield. It was his skill in this type of work, why this man of slight, middle-aged blond hair and blue eyes became known among locals as a hard-working, dutiful, reliable but eccentric.

The mill owner did not get along very well with Gein. Was extremely difficult to talk to him because sometimes he nervously began to laugh for no reason like a madman, or inappropriate comment that left another person without knowing what to say.

On this occasion, the man recalled that Gein used to sit alone in a corner of the bar staring at the local owner of lost in thought with a pitcher of beer, and assumed he was in love with the woman. He suggested jokingly that if he had spoken Mary clearly about their feelings, probably at that time on his farm would be cooking and waiting to come back rather than have disappeared presumably killed. Gein, a strange gesture rolled his eyes and replied with one of his famous smiles: "It is not missing. Right now it's on the farm." The man shrugged and did not take him seriously, after all, was the kind of comment that was expected of him ...

born August 27, 1906, son of austere religious fanatic mother who despised her weak, drunken husband. When the two were arguing, they used to often, the man got drunk and beat her two children.

From the first time, Ed's life was completely dominated by his mother, who had promised herself that her son would never be like those lascivious men, atheists and drunk he saw around him. Still a very hard discipline to punish their children, and unable to give comfort and love of a mother. Gein

tube no contact with other children, because everyone assumed the eyes of this mother a threat to moral purity of his son. So for thirty-nine years until the woman died the victim of a heart attack, leaving behind her a man dependent, repressed and only in a world that barely understood.

Morning Saturday November 16, 1957, Ed Gein murdered the owner of Village Hardware, Bernice Worden, shooting a bullet with his old hunting rifle .22. Also on this occasion took the corpse in the van, leaving the local soil puddling of blood. But this time, there would be a witness ... the ledger. In his last entry, containing the name of Ed Gein, who have sold their last antifreeze.

B. WordenDos police officers arrested Gein, while two others went immediately to his farm with the intention to carry out a search. When you step inside, the sheriff felt like something touched his shoulder, and he turned he encountered the headless body of B. Worden. The headless body hung from the rafters of the shed hanging by his ankles. It had all began with his mother, who did more than hassling their sexual instincts and finally allowed to establish any contact with women, which ended with the result that the young Ed developed a morbid and unnatural interest for the female anatomy.

After recovering from the shock of the horror they had witnessed, and after asking for help by radio, the two men returned to the house.

The body hung from a hook at the ankle and a wire had subjected the other foot to a pulley. Had splitting the body from the chest to the base of the abdomen, and intestines glowed as if they had been washed and cleaned.

There was no doubt that the cause of this frightening spectacle was a sick person. It was hard to believe that a human being could live there. Everywhere there were piles of garbage and waste, cardboard boxes, empty cans, rusty tools, excrement, pornographic magazines, terror and human anatomy, gum stuck to the cups and a set of teeth on the tablecloth ...

Later, as more patrols arrived, was discovered inside the house all the horror hidden there. There were several skulls scattered around the kitchen, some intact and others cut in half and used as bowls.

Closer inspection revealed that one of the chairs in the kitchen was made from human skin, such as lampshades, paper, covers the knives and even a garment, like a vest or belt formed human nipples.

Among the most egregious findings were found boxes with human remains belonging to different unidentified bodies, hearts and Bernice Worden's severed head in a plastic bag, a collection of nine masks of human skin with hair intact , of which four were hanging on the wall surrounding Gein's bed, etc.

had decorated the inside of their wooden house with these masks made with strips of skin from real human faces and skulls hanging from the columns of your bed.

The only room in the house that seemed normal was sealed with planks on the door and perfectly organized ... his mother. Since his mother died in 1945, twelve years earlier, the room had been closed with nails as a tomb. Ed told police after his arrest after his death, his mother kept in touch with him for over a year, fell asleep while talking. He said it was at that time he developed his fascination with anatomy. He was fascinated by stories about the sex change operation and was thought to become a woman himself.

Gein said that only remember, very vaguely, having killed Bernice Worden, and other human remains had been found on the farm that belonged to nine bodies were removed from the cemetery. He explained that in recent years occasionally felt the need to desecrate graves, and sometimes even knew the victims in life and learned of their deaths reading newspapers. Then, on the night of burial, was heading the cemetery, took out the body and refill the grave (so he could check the police later, when the exhumation of graves, some of which Gein had said, were empty.)

Many household items and furniture that was discovered following the arrest of Gein, came from the desecration of graves. Sometimes whole carcasses dragged to his house, sometimes the most interesting cut and carried them as a souvenir.

On March 30, 1958 Gein's house was arrested after the rumor that she was destined to become an attraction for tourists and the House of Horrors. Anyway, his Ford survived and sold at public auction to be used in local fairs with a sign announcing: Ed Gein's car! See the car that carried the dead from the graves!

His farm was burned by the locals and even today remembered as Ed had obsquiado with succulent pieces of meat, which claimed that the animals were hunted but later in its opinion, recognized that were Gein leftover debris of their feasts ghouls.

Central hospital physicians to decide that the murderer is not able to go to trial and is admitted to year 68, when after a week-long trial, he convicted of two murders, but argued his madness, is again hospitalized.

The case of Ed Gein is from a medical standpoint, one of the most complex of criminology. Voyeurism, fetishism, transvestism and may necrophilia, integrated personality.

spoke in his voluntary confession of sexual pleasure that got wrapped around her naked body with the skin of their victims.

But as they got to know his real story became apparent that these perversions are mere manifestations of a deep psychosis, a mental disorder that had its roots in the abnormal relationship he had with the mother.

When psychiatrists began to consider the possible reasons for abnormal behavior, assumed it was a case of "Oedipus Complex" that Gein was in love with his mother and that after his death became obsessed in finding someone to replace, as striking resemblance was found between the victims and their mother. As a child, looking for the love of his mother obsessively, that he was denied time and again, was in his mind and developed a new personality, Ed who hated women.

Gein died of respiratory failure on July 26, 1984, after decades of confinement in a psychiatric unit, where he proved a model patient. Today, their remains rest in the Plainfield cemetery next to his mother's ...

However, Gein's influence can be seen even in literal characters like Buffalo Bill, the skin transvestite Silence of the Lambs or in films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Murderer, The Butcher ...

Today, his "fans" can buy latex masks Gein, Gein memorabilia collecting or meet in his fan club for geiners jokes ("How were the people who lived on the farm of Ed Gein horror? Delicious. "or," Why Gein always put the heat to stop at your farm? For furniture that were not put an goosebumps. ") *

Friday, January 4, 2008

Best Browser For Xp Home?

Video I made with the song "The Hordes" with images only
gore ... Hope you like ...

Largest Tire On Stock 01 Suburban

Michale Graves & Damien Echols - IIlusions

1. The Blackness and the Forest
2. Almost Home
3. Teenager Monster
4. Frostbite
5. Wormwood
6. Nothing
7. 1000 Cracks of Daylight
8. Gorch
Lucifer I am 10. Where the Sky Ends
Shelter 12. Dig Up Her Bones
13. Crying on Saturday Night (Live @ CBGB s NYC 03-06)
14. When We Were Angels
15. Silent Partner

In my opinion, the songs on the album are wankers .. The only salvageable wea
the album would be the cause, I mean this thing that the letters sent Damien Echols to the grave and had a communication from the jail, as Damien is supposedly charged with a murder he did not commit ... Same
, pa the collection serves:)