Genre: Gothic Doom Metal
Draconian is a band from Sweden formed in 1994.
His first album "When Lovers Mourn", like all his discography, is a fairly long and dense disk, unlike most of the groups seeking to become heavier on the basis of speed, here is the opposite is so slow and so dark it becomes heavy.
If you like Doom Metal Draconian have not heard I'm certainly not disappointed and will be a great addition to your music collection.
Current Training:
- Anders Jacobsson - vocals (ex measureless)
- Lisa Johansson - vocals
- Johan Ericson - guitar (Doomvs)
- Daniel Arvidsson - Guitar (Nibdem, Scorched)
- Fredrik Johansson - bass
- Jerry Torstensson - drums
- Elena Andersson-keyboard (Sandcastle)
- __WEB__
Where Lovers Mourn (2003) ======> Download
Arcane Rain Fell (2005) =========> Download
The Burning Halo (2006) ========>
Download Turning Season Within (2008) =====> Download